Publications in Refereed Journals
Van Deinse, T.B., Zielinski, M.J., Holliday. S.B., Rudd, B.N., & Crable, E.L. (2023). The application of implementation science methods in correctional health intervention research: A systematic review, Implementation Science Communications.
Powell, N., Gunter, A., Roberts, M. & Van Deinse, T.B. (2024). Specialized mental health supervision: Revocations and risk composition. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Cuddeback, G.S., Van Deinse, T.B., DiRosa, E, Murray-Lichtman, A., Givens, A., & Cowell Mercer, M. (2023). Adapting evidence based supported employment within specialty mental health probation: A type I hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 134, 107342.
Van Deinse, T.B., Mercier, M.C., Waters, A.K., Disbennett, M., Cuddeback, G.S., Velázquez, T., Murray-Lichtman, A., & Taxman, F. (2023). Strategies for supervising people with mental illnesses on probation caseloads: Results from a nationwide study. Health Justice, 11(41).
Waters, A., Cowell Mercier, M., Disbennett, M., Ziaii, S., Cuddeback, G., Velázquez, T. & Van Deinse, T. (2023). Identifying multilevel community supervision challenges to inform diversion approaches for people with mental illnesses. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 39(4), 513-536.
Brooker, C., Sirdifield, C., & Van Deinse, T. (2023). Serious mental illness in probation: A review. European Journal of Probation, 15(1), 60-70.
Breno, A., Bhati, A., Van Deinse, T.B., Murphy, A., Cuddeback, G.S. & Taxman, F. (2023). Effective probation strategies to respond to signals of poor progress on community supervision. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 50(8), 1140-1162.
Cuddeback, G.S., Van Deinse, T.B., Givens, A., Murray-Lichtman, A., Cowell, M., & DiRosa, E. (2022). Individuals with mental illnesses in the criminal legal system: Complex issues and best practices. Federal Probation, 86(1), 18-26.
Givens, A., Murray-Lichtman, A., Van Deinse, T.B., Dallenbach, M., Cowell Mercier, M. Lowder, E., Cuddeback, G.S. (2022). Individuals with mental illnesses on probation: The intersection of trauma, race, and gender. Feminist Criminology, 17(4), 494-513.
Van Deinse, T.B., Givens, A., Frey, J., Cowell, M., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2022). Characteristics of probation officers’ service provider networks: Connecting individuals with mental illnesses to community-based supports. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.
Rizo, C. F., Van Deinse, T.B., Durant, S, Lopez, Q. S., Mason, A., & Ryan, P. (2022). Systematic review of research on co-located models for serving intimate partner and sexual violence survivors. Journal of Family Violence, 37(1), 23-41.
Van Deinse, T.B., Givens, A., Cowell, M., Ghezzi, M., Murray-Lichtman, A., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2021). A randomized trial of specialty mental health probation: Measuring implementation and effectiveness outcomes. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 49(2022), 415-428.
Macy, R., Klein, LB, Shuck, C., Rizo, C.F., Van Deinse, T.B., Wretman, C.J. & Luo, J. (2021). A scoping review of human trafficking screening and response. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 0(0), 1-18.
Givens, A., Wilson, A.B., Van Deinse, T.B., Murray-Lichtman, A., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2021). Physical health problems among people with severe mental illnesses: Race, gender and implications for practice. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 27(4) 283-291.
Van Deinse, T.B., Crable, E.L., Dunn, C., Weis, J., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2021). Probation officers’ and supervisors’ perspectives on critical resources for implementing specialty mental health probation. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 48, 408-419.
Van Deinse, T. B., Cuddeback, G. S., Wilson, A. B., Edwards, D., & Lambert, M. (2020). Variation in criminogenic risks by mental health symptom severity: Implications for mental health services and research. Psychiatric Quarterly, 92, 73-84.
Longmate, C., Lowder, E., Givens, A., Van Deinse, T.B., Ghezzi, M., Burgin, S.E. & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Social support among people with mental illnesses on probation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 44(1), 70-76.
Tomar, N., Ghezzi, M., Wilson, A.B., Van Deinse, T.B., Burgin, S. & Cuddeback, G.S. (2020). Demographic and clinical characteristics of consumers who transition from assertive community treatment to less intensive services. Social Work in Mental Health, 18(4), 398-409.
Van Deinse, T.B., Bunger, A., Burgin, S.E., Wilson, A.B, & Cuddeback, G.S. (2019). Using the consolidated framework for implementation research to examine implementation determinants of specialty mental health probation: Results from a hybrid efficacy-implementation study. Health and Justice, 7(17), 1-12.
Tomar, N., Brinkley-Rubinstein, L., Ghezzi, M. A., Van Deinse, T. B., Burgin, S., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Internalized stigma and its correlates among justice-involved individuals with mental illness. International Journal of Mental Health, 49(2), 201–211.
Rizo, C.F., Mennicke, A., & Van Deinse, T.B. (2019). Characteristics and factors associated with intimate partner violence-related homicide post-release from jail or prison. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(21-22), 10725-10752.
Cuddeback, G. S., Grady, M., Wilson, A. B., Van Deinse, T. B., & Morrissey, J. P. (2019). Persons with severe mental illnesses and sex offenses: Recidivism after prison release. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(12), 2157-2170.
Van Deinse, T. B., Cuddeback, G. S., Wilson, A. B., Lambert, M. C., & Edwards, D. (2018). Using statewide administrative data and brief mental health screening to estimate the prevalence of mental illness among probationers. Probation Journal, 66(2), 236-247.
Van Deinse, T.B., Wilson, A. B., Macy, R. J., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2018). Intimate partner violence and women with severe mental illnesses: Needs and challenges from the perspectives of behavioral health and domestic violence service providers. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 46(2), 283-293.
Van Deinse, T.B., Macy, R.J., Allman, A.J., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2018). Intimate partner violence and sexual assault among women with serious mental illness: A review of prevalence and risk factors. Journal of Social Work, 19(6), 789-828.
Van Deinse, T.B., Cuddeback, G.S., Wilson, A.B., & Burgin, S.E. (2018). Probationers with severe mental illness: Probation officers’ perceptions of supervision challenges across rural and urban settings. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(2), 267-277.
Tomar, N., Ghezzi, M.A., Brinkley-Rubinstein, L., Wilson, A.B., Van Deinse, T.B., Burgin, S.E. & Cuddeback, G.S. (2017). Statewide mental health training for probation officers: Improving knowledge and decreasing stigma. Health & Justice, 5(1), 1-5.
Cuddeback, G.S., Kurtz, R.A., Wilson, A.B., Van Deinse, T.B., & Burgin, S.E. (2016). Segmented versus traditional Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training: Does CIT training need to be completed within one week? Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 44(3), 338-343.
Research Reports and Briefs
Van Deinse, T.B., Brown, S., Barton, K. (2024, June). How to build and sustain specialized mental health caseloads: Nuts and bolts guidance from NC and GA community supervision agencies. Intensive Workshop at the American Probation and Parole Association’s 49th Annual Training Institute, Indianapolis, IN
Bloodworth, S. & Van Deinse, T.B. (2024, June). What is a pre-implementation assessment and how to use findings to enhance program implementation from the outset. Intensive Workshop at the American Probation and Parole Association’s 49th Annual Training Institute, Indianapolis, IN
Van Deinse, T.B. & Powell, N. (2024). Implementation science and translation: Disseminating innovations across probation contexts. Confederation of European Probation, Sixth World Conference on Probation and Parole, The Hague, Netherlands
Powell, N., Sellers P., Stephenson, M., Van Deinse, T.B., (2024, February). Making strategic planning a dynamic and evidence-informed process to improve community supervision of special populations. American Probation and Parole Winter Training Institute, Seattle Washington.
Van Deinse, T.B. (2023). The North Carolina Victims of Crime Needs Assessment. Final report submitted on behalf of the community advisory board and research team to the Governor’s Crime Commission.
Van Deinse, T.B. & Maycheck, P. (2022). Durham County Integrated Re-entry program for adults with co-occurring substance use and mental illness. Final report submitted to the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Criminal Justice Resource Center.
Van Deinse, T.B. (2022). National survey of probation and mental health: Technical report. Final report submitted to the Pew Charitable Trusts.
Van Deinse, T.B., Ijams, C. & Vines, K. (2022). Durham County behavioral health for justice-involved persons: Resource mapping and analysis of needs. Final report to Durham County Government, North Carolina.
Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F., Luo, J., Van Deinse, T. B., & Wretman, C. J. (2021). Identifying and responding to victims and women at risk of human trafficking in North Carolina adult correction: Final report. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC.
Van Deinse, T.B. (2020). Evaluation of Durham County’s Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Project. Final Report to the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Durham County Office of the Sheriff.
Van Deinse, T.B., Cuddeback, G.S., Ghezzi, M., Crable, E.L., Buck, K., Brewer, M., Brown, S. & Sullivan, N. (2020). It’s Not Just What, It’s How: Using Implementation Science to Advance Specialized Mental Health Probation Approaches. Brief published in Perspectives.
Ghezzi, M., Van Deinse, T.B., Crable, E.L., Cuddeback, G.S., Buck, K., Brewer, M., Brown, S. & Sullivan, N. (2020). Adapting a Clinical Case Consultation Model to Enhance Capacity of Specialty Mental Health Probation Officers. Brief published in Perspectives.
Van Deinse, T.B. & Pruette, M. (2019). Systems Mapping & Action Planning. Final report submitted to the Durham County Stepping Up Initiative, North Carolina.
Van Deinse, T.B. (2018). Risk, needs, responsivity simulation tool: Implementing the program tool in five test counties. Final Report to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Book Chapters
Powell, N. & Van Deinse, T.B. (2024). Georgia Department of Community Supervision (US) In I. Durnescu, F. Taxman, J. Byrne & B. Mackey (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Global Community Corrections