
Publications in Refereed Journals

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Zielinski, M.J., Holliday. S.B., Rudd, B.N., & Crable, E.L. (2023). The application of implementation science methods in correctional health intervention research: A systematic review, Implementation Science Communications.

  • Powell, N., Gunter, A., Roberts, M. & Van Deinse, T.B. (2024). Specialized mental health supervision: Revocations and risk composition. Criminal Justice and Behavior.

  • Cuddeback, G.S., Van Deinse, T.B., DiRosa, E, Murray-Lichtman, A., Givens, A., & Cowell Mercer, M. (2023). Adapting evidence based supported employment within specialty mental health probation: A type I hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 134, 107342.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Mercier, M.C., Waters, A.K., Disbennett, M., Cuddeback, G.S., Velázquez, T., Murray-Lichtman, A., & Taxman, F. (2023). Strategies for supervising people with mental illnesses on probation caseloads: Results from a nationwide study. Health Justice, 11(41).

  • Waters, A., Cowell Mercier, M., Disbennett, M., Ziaii, S., Cuddeback, G., Velázquez, T. & Van Deinse, T. (2023). Identifying multilevel community supervision challenges to inform diversion approaches for people with mental illnesses. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 39(4), 513-536.

  • Brooker, C., Sirdifield, C., & Van Deinse, T. (2023). Serious mental illness in probation: A review. European Journal of Probation, 15(1), 60-70.

  • Breno, A., Bhati, A., Van Deinse, T.B., Murphy, A., Cuddeback, G.S. & Taxman, F. (2023). Effective probation strategies to respond to signals of poor progress on community supervision. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 50(8), 1140-1162.

  • Cuddeback, G.S., Van Deinse, T.B., Givens, A., Murray-Lichtman, A., Cowell, M., & DiRosa, E. (2022). Individuals with mental illnesses in the criminal legal system: Complex issues and best practices. Federal Probation, 86(1), 18-26.

  • Givens, A., Murray-Lichtman, A., Van Deinse, T.B., Dallenbach, M., Cowell Mercier, M. Lowder, E., Cuddeback, G.S. (2022). Individuals with mental illnesses on probation: The intersection of trauma, race, and gender. Feminist Criminology, 17(4), 494-513.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Givens, A., Frey, J., Cowell, M., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2022). Characteristics of probation officers’ service provider networks: Connecting individuals with mental illnesses to community-based supports. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.

  • Rizo, C. F., Van Deinse, T.B., Durant, S, Lopez, Q. S., Mason, A., & Ryan, P. (2022). Systematic review of research on co-located models for serving intimate partner and sexual violence survivors. Journal of Family Violence, 37(1), 23-41.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Givens, A., Cowell, M., Ghezzi, M., Murray-Lichtman, A., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2021). A randomized trial of specialty mental health probation: Measuring implementation and effectiveness outcomes. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 49(2022), 415-428.

  • Macy, R., Klein, LB, Shuck, C., Rizo, C.F., Van Deinse, T.B., Wretman, C.J. & Luo, J. (2021). A scoping review of human trafficking screening and response. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 0(0), 1-18.

  • Givens, A., Wilson, A.B., Van Deinse, T.B., Murray-Lichtman, A., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2021). Physical health problems among people with severe mental illnesses: Race, gender and implications for practice. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 27(4) 283-291.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Crable, E.L., Dunn, C., Weis, J., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2021). Probation officers’ and supervisors’ perspectives on critical resources for implementing specialty mental health probation. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 48, 408-419.

  • Van Deinse, T. B., Cuddeback, G. S., Wilson, A. B., Edwards, D., & Lambert, M. (2020). Variation in criminogenic risks by mental health symptom severity: Implications for mental health services and research. Psychiatric Quarterly, 92, 73-84.

  • Longmate, C., Lowder, E., Givens, A., Van Deinse, T.B., Ghezzi, M., Burgin, S.E. & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Social support among people with mental illnesses on probation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 44(1), 70-76.

  • Tomar, N., Ghezzi, M., Wilson, A.B., Van Deinse, T.B., Burgin, S. & Cuddeback, G.S. (2020). Demographic and clinical characteristics of consumers who transition from assertive community treatment to less intensive services. Social Work in Mental Health, 18(4), 398-409.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Bunger, A., Burgin, S.E., Wilson, A.B, & Cuddeback, G.S. (2019). Using the consolidated framework for implementation research to examine implementation determinants of specialty mental health probation: Results from a hybrid efficacy-implementation study. Health and Justice, 7(17), 1-12.

  • Tomar, N., Brinkley-Rubinstein, L., Ghezzi, M. A., Van Deinse, T. B., Burgin, S., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Internalized stigma and its correlates among justice-involved individuals with mental illness. International Journal of Mental Health, 49(2), 201–211.

  • Rizo, C.F., Mennicke, A., & Van Deinse, T.B. (2019). Characteristics and factors associated with intimate partner violence-related homicide post-release from jail or prison. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(21-22), 10725-10752.

  • Cuddeback, G. S., Grady, M., Wilson, A. B., Van Deinse, T. B., & Morrissey, J. P. (2019). Persons with severe mental illnesses and sex offenses: Recidivism after prison release. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(12), 2157-2170.

  • Van Deinse, T. B., Cuddeback, G. S., Wilson, A. B., Lambert, M. C., & Edwards, D. (2018). Using statewide administrative data and brief mental health screening to estimate the prevalence of mental illness among probationers. Probation Journal, 66(2), 236-247.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Wilson, A. B., Macy, R. J., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2018). Intimate partner violence and women with severe mental illnesses: Needs and challenges from the perspectives of behavioral health and domestic violence service providers. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 46(2), 283-293.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Macy, R.J., Allman, A.J., & Cuddeback, G.S. (2018). Intimate partner violence and sexual assault among women with serious mental illness: A review of prevalence and risk factors. Journal of Social Work, 19(6), 789-828.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Cuddeback, G.S., Wilson, A.B., & Burgin, S.E. (2018). Probationers with severe mental illness: Probation officers’ perceptions of supervision challenges across rural and urban settings. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(2), 267-277.

  • Tomar, N., Ghezzi, M.A., Brinkley-Rubinstein, L., Wilson, A.B., Van Deinse, T.B., Burgin, S.E. & Cuddeback, G.S. (2017). Statewide mental health training for probation officers: Improving knowledge and decreasing stigma. Health & Justice, 5(1), 1-5.

  • Cuddeback, G.S., Kurtz, R.A., Wilson, A.B., Van Deinse, T.B., & Burgin, S.E. (2016). Segmented versus traditional Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training: Does CIT training need to be completed within one week? Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 44(3), 338-343.

Research Reports and Briefs

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Brown, S., Barton, K. (2024, June). How to build and sustain specialized mental health caseloads: Nuts and bolts guidance from NC and GA community supervision agencies. Intensive Workshop at the American Probation and Parole Association’s 49th Annual Training Institute, Indianapolis, IN 

  • Bloodworth, S. & Van Deinse, T.B. (2024, June). What is a pre-implementation assessment and how to use findings to enhance program implementation from the outset. Intensive Workshop at the American Probation and Parole Association’s 49th Annual Training Institute, Indianapolis, IN

  • Van Deinse, T.B. & Powell, N. (2024). Implementation science and translation: Disseminating innovations across probation contexts. Confederation of European Probation, Sixth World Conference on Probation and Parole, The Hague, Netherlands  

  • Powell, N., Sellers P., Stephenson, M., Van Deinse, T.B., (2024, February). Making strategic planning a dynamic and evidence-informed process to improve community supervision of special populations. American Probation and Parole Winter Training Institute, Seattle Washington. 

  • Van Deinse, T.B. (2023). The North Carolina Victims of Crime Needs Assessment. Final report submitted on behalf of the community advisory board and research team to the Governor’s Crime Commission.

  • Van Deinse, T.B. & Maycheck, P. (2022). Durham County Integrated Re-entry program for adults with co-occurring substance use and mental illness. Final report submitted to the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Criminal Justice Resource Center.

  • Van Deinse, T.B. (2022). National survey of probation and mental health: Technical report. Final report submitted to the Pew Charitable Trusts.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Ijams, C. & Vines, K. (2022). Durham County behavioral health for justice-involved persons: Resource mapping and analysis of needs. Final report to Durham County Government, North Carolina.

  • Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F., Luo, J., Van Deinse, T. B., & Wretman, C. J. (2021). Identifying and responding to victims and women at risk of human trafficking in North Carolina adult correction: Final report. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC.

  • Van Deinse, T.B. (2020). Evaluation of Durham County’s Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Project. Final Report to the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Durham County Office of the Sheriff.

  • Van Deinse, T.B., Cuddeback, G.S., Ghezzi, M., Crable, E.L., Buck, K., Brewer, M., Brown, S. & Sullivan, N. (2020). It’s Not Just What, It’s How: Using Implementation Science to Advance Specialized Mental Health Probation Approaches. Brief published in Perspectives.

  • Ghezzi, M., Van Deinse, T.B., Crable, E.L., Cuddeback, G.S., Buck, K., Brewer, M., Brown, S. & Sullivan, N. (2020). Adapting a Clinical Case Consultation Model to Enhance Capacity of Specialty Mental Health Probation Officers. Brief published in Perspectives.

  • Van Deinse, T.B. & Pruette, M. (2019). Systems Mapping & Action Planning. Final report submitted to the Durham County Stepping Up Initiative, North Carolina.

  • Van Deinse, T.B. (2018). Risk, needs, responsivity simulation tool: Implementing the program tool in five test counties. Final Report to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety.

Book Chapters

  • Powell, N. & Van Deinse, T.B. (2024). Georgia Department of Community Supervision (US) In I. Durnescu, F. Taxman, J. Byrne & B. Mackey (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Global Community Corrections